
Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

techniques photos of moving objects

Here is the technique of Action Photography or how to take pictures when the object is moving:

Exposure time
is a motion that can be photographed. In this technique, the technique is divided into two, namely:

     - Shutter Speed ​​Low

     - Blur effect

Means moving the camera in the desired direction is relatively easy if you want to "freeze" a moving object, which can be captured even with a lower value of the exposure time, generally between 1/250 sec and 1/500 sec.

I suggest to ensure quality images to select a value between 1/500 sec and 1/1000 second, if for photographing objects with high speed motion can be worth 1/2000 sec.

The most important techniques in the field of motion photography is synchronization, where the technique is the proper technique for photographing. Well, if you made ​​too early, automatic cameras will not capture good pictures and vice versa if you make late course of time and the most important moment will be missed.

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